2024-03-28 22:44:35
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Song Guiwu view 32: An economic analysis of envy

The following is my analysis of the phenomenon of envy from the perspective of economics, for your reference and entertainment. Envy is a common phenomenon in human society.H. Schake wrote in his book Envy and Society: "In different historical eras, in all stages of cultural development, in most languages, and as members of very different societies, human beings have recognized an important issue in their existence and emphasized it as something special, which is envy and the feeling of being envied." What is envy?The Dictionary of Psychology, edited by Zhu Xianzhi, defines envy as: "A complex emotional state consisting of shame, anger, resentment and so on, caused by the discovery that one is inferior to others in talent, fame, status or circumstances." Rawls wrote in his "Theory of Justice": "We can thus regard envy as the tendency to look with hostility on the greater good of others, even if their luckier than ours does not detract from our interests." Hegel said: envy is the mediocre sentiment to the superior talent.Dante said: envy is one of the seven deadly sins of mankind.Kant said: envy is the vice of hating mankind. Bacon said: in all kinds of human passion, there are two most confusing mind, this is love and envy;envy can be dangerous and disaster projected to its eyes focused place.French writer La Rochefoucauld also said: envy is the root of all evil, the envious people will not have the slightest sympathy.The envious love themselves more than love.The definition of envy in economic theory is mainly created by Feldman, Coleman and Varian separately.Consider any kind of distribution form, the distribution of n products to each of m people.Assume that these people have specific preferences.At this time, the so-called a envy B, with the word, is a B's distribution of the love of the distribution of his own love.The production of envy, has a deep economic roots.Self-interest characteristics is the production of envy phenomenon of human premise.In general, the more selfish people, the more serious the mentality of envy.Resource scarcity is the production of envy phenomenon of resource premise.The essence of envy is also a kind of fear in the state of scarce resources of a performance.If the resources are not scarce, people do not need to envy, because others have the resources I can still have.Uncertainty is the production of envy knowledge premise.Uncertainty also derives fear consciousness. Envy is an instinctive fear of a potential threat, even if the threat is not necessarily real.Envious people are always gloating over others' misfortune.H. Sherk wrote in Envy and Society: "This person, precisely because he cannot bear to see others possess these things, feels satisfied when he sees others destroyed;even though he himself cannot benefit from it, he is still happy." The imperfect system is the institutional premise for envy.The inequality of the system is more likely to promote people's envy. Different preferences will lead to different attitudes of envy.Some people pay more attention to absolute utility, while others pay more attention to relative utility.Since envy is generated by comparison, people who pay more attention to relative utility will show a stronger tendency to envy. Socio-economic distance is proportional to envy.The so-called socio-economic distance refers to the closeness of one person with another person in socio-economic interaction.The closer the socio-economic distance is, the greater the relevance of competition will be, and the degree of interest linkage will increase.The so-called peer envy is easy to produce, which essentially reflects this situation.The lack of respect for scholars is also a manifestation of this situation.In reality, why does the phenomenon of "blooming within the wall and red outside the wall" occur? This is also related to the direct proportion of envy and socioeconomic distance.From the causes of envy, we can see that it is impossible for human society to completely eliminate envy.But human society can limit envy to the minimum range, so as to minimize its impact on socio-economic.One is to strengthen education, cultivate sound personality.The second is to establish a more fair, more rule of law and more democratic and more open and transparent social system.OK, thank you, thank you.
