2024-10-17 12:06:40
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Song Guiwu: The concept of "Pareto Optimal" state should be a meaningless statement

The concept of "Pareto Optimal" state means that in an economic state, if there is no way to improve the situation of some people without making the situation of others worse, then the economic state is a "Pareto Optimal" state. Currently, this concept has widespread applications in economics and sociology, etc. Here, I believe that under the macroscopic general premise, there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, and any actual change in resource allocation will involve costs and involve harming the interests of some people, so the so-called "Pareto Optimal" situation should be a meaningless statement. The key to proving this problem is: starting from a set that includes all times and all spaces, within this set, the total welfare of the world must be fixed, technological progress only changes the form of resource existence, and wealth marked by currency is only a virtual form of wealth, Another situation is that, from a dynamic perspective, there must be a time period in which one person harms the interests of another person. Furthermore, from the perspective of the utility of damage, it can either damage a person's absolute utility, relative utility, or both absolute and relative utility. Therefore, from the perspective of time and space as a whole, any resource allocation state is actually a "Pareto optimal" state, and any improvement will harm the interests of some people. Since any state is a "Pareto optimal" state, Pareto improvement is of course not possible, and the so-called "Pareto optimal" state is naturally a meaningless statement. It is particularly important to note that if the number of consumers or producers or the sum of the two is very small, or if the number of goods or the number of production factors or the sum of the two is very small, then the "Pareto optimal" state is theoretically possible in principle. But this special situation should not represent the general situation. From the general situation or in most cases, the "Pareto optimal" state should be a meaningless statement.
