2024-10-14 10:08:06
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Song Guiwu Countries with Large Populations in Developing Countries Must Promote Urbanization Carefully

The topic I want to talk about today is that countries with large populations in developing countries must promote urbanization carefully.Whether urbanization can solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers needs to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis.For countries with small populations, it is feasible.Because the rural population is not large, the pressure on cities to absorb rural population is not very great.For countries with developed industries, it is also feasible.Because of developed industries, cities have industrial support, and can absorb more rural population for employment, which will not lead to "urban disease".At the same time, because of developed industries, industries can feed and support agriculture, which will not lead to "rural disease".But for countries with large populations in developing countries, it is very difficult to fully rely on urbanization to absorb rural population and finally solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers.From the perspective of cities, first, the rural population base is large, and the pressure on cities to absorb it completely is inevitable;second, because the industrial base of cities is also weak, the employment pressure of urban population is also inevitable;third, with the continuous progress of technology, some simple labor is increasingly replaced by robots, which increases the difficulty for rural people to find employment in cities. From the rural aspect, due to the low efficiency of the agricultural industry itself, coupled with market information asymmetry, under the lure of the city's prosperity, this will lead to the rural advantage factors, including labor factors, capital factors and so on will flow into the city too much blindly.The final result may lead to the coexistence of "rural disease" and "urban disease".On the one hand, the urban population is necessarily too crowded, and there are slums in the city;on the other hand, it is the "empty shell" of the countryside and the abandonment of the land.And the coexistence of "urban disease" and "rural disease" will lead to the entire national economy into a vicious cycle. In the case of the coexistence of "urban disease" and "rural disease", if the urban unemployment problem is further aggravated, and the farmers who have transferred to the city cannot return to the countryside, at the same time, the cost of living of urban residents is increasing, especially the cost of eating and housing is rising sharply, especially if the food price rises sharply, the whole city will face great risk of riots, which will seriously threaten the political security of a country, which needs the central government to pay great attention to. In addition, it is also worth noting that the urbanization driven by the expansion of real estate has only a short-term effect on the solution of the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, but not a long-term effect. And later once the real estate over expansion collapse, will inevitably lead to a large area of industrial recession, urban unemployment rate will rise in a large area, and the landless farmers can not return to the countryside, which will inevitably increase the risk of urban riots, and then threaten national political security. Here is a problem to note is that as long as the household registration becomes a city person, it is urbanized, and all the problems are solved, which is also a misunderstanding.If many people in the city lack effective employment, urbanization is a pseudo urbanization. In addition, it can not produce urbanization worship, that is, what is good urbanization, that the city is higher than the country in all aspects, which is also a misunderstanding. Also, in the measure of the level of national modernization, urbanization should be a secondary consideration, the key should be considered in the national industrial competitiveness and quality of life of residents, as well as the level of national governance and culture. In addition, for the developing country with a large population, in the process of urbanization, due to the imperfect system and mechanism and other factors, there may be serious problems of official rent-seeking. Therefore, for the developing country with a large population, it is an optimal choice to steadily promote urbanization, and impatience and rapidity have more disadvantages than benefits, and we should seek progress in stability. In terms of the indicators of urbanization, I believe that for a small number of developed countries, especially those with strong industrial support, the urbanization level can exceed 85% or more. But for large developing countries with a large population, if the urbanization level exceeds 50%, it is necessary to carry out urbanization cautiously and gradually according to the needs of industrial development and employment. In addition, for large developing countries with a large population, in the process of promoting urbanization, special attention should be paid to the balance of urban layout.How to balance? I believe that for large developing countries with a large population, urbanization should highlight the two-level development.First, the development of megacities or urban agglomerations should be highlighted, which is mainly taken into account the need to enhance the national core competitiveness.Second, the development of small towns should be highlighted, which is taken into account the need to drive the development of farmers, rural areas and agriculture, which is related to social stability and food security.At the same time, the two levels should be coordinated.Megacities or urban agglomerations should be large and strong, especially strong, and small towns should be specialized, refined and special.
