2024-10-07 08:51:09
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An Exploration of a New Development Framework for Agriculture in Developing Countries with Large Populations

Agriculture is the fundamental and foundation issue for developing countries with large populations, and is a top priority for modernization. First, how to make agriculture strong? We should vigorously develop moral agriculture. Developing agriculture should respect the growth laws of life. We should have a sense of reverence and care for life. We should give plants and animals sufficient freedom to grow. We should not overprotect the growth process of plants and animals. Agriculture is more of a slow job, and we cannot artificially pursue speed and output. We should moderately develop irrigation in agriculture under the premise of food security. We should also moderately develop agricultural mechanization. The key reason is that plants and animals are alive and have spirit. Cold and lifeless machines lack warmth and gentleness in their growth. We must strictly ban the extensive use of fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides in the agricultural industry. We must be extremely cautious about genetic modification of plants at the molecular level. A life is a universe. We must strictly regulate the research behavior of agricultural scientists. We should make the production of organic agricultural products the main goal of agricultural development. Agricultural modernization is mainly about improving the quality of agricultural products, making meat tastier and vegetables of higher quality, rather than agricultural tool modernization. Development of agriculture must conform to nature and respect natural laws, which is the soul of the new quality of agricultural productivity. Second, agricultural industry is more suitable for public ownership. The implementation of public ownership in the agricultural industry requires choosing the form of realization in line with the national conditions. For a developing country with a large population, the state should explore a semi-planned and semi-market management system for agriculture at the macro level, and a semi-purchasing and semi-selling model for farm products circulation. At the micro level of agricultural production organization, it should explore the construction of semi-autonomous and semi-administrative farms. Among them, farmers become farm employees, receive fixed wages, and their wage level ensures meeting basic survival needs. The farm's main industry selection should be mainly planting crops. The farm's operating goal is mainly to ensure national food security and prevent large-scale poverty return, and it does not require the farm to prioritize profit as its main goal. Third, how can farmers become rich, and rural areas need moderate development of non-agricultural industries. Non-agricultural industries include rural tourism, local small industries, courtyard economy, and labor outsourcing, etc. The state should implement certain protection policies for the development of rural non-agricultural industries, otherwise rural areas cannot compete with cities. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the coordinated development of rural non-agricultural industries and urban industries, and not become a mutually harmful model. Fourth, how rural areas are developed should ultimately result in the formation of a moderately dual economic and social system between urban and rural areas. Urban and rural areas should have certain differences in development mechanisms and construction, and there can also be a certain gap in income, but maintain a reasonable gap. Fifth, developing countries with large populations should pay attention to preventing the misconception that urbanization can solve the three rural problems. Developing countries with large populations should steadily and prudently promote urbanization. It is necessary to moderately limit the blind flow of rural population into cities, of which the most important is that urbanization level should be highly linked with the stable employment rate in cities. Otherwise, both rural and urban areas will suffer from the disease, rural areas will become hollowed out, and urban areas will become slums, and the urban-rural cycle will not be effectively realized. The domestic economic cycle mainly involves the urban-rural cycle, and if the urban-rural cycle runs smoothly, there will be no major economic problems, and a solid foundation for stable economic growth will be in place. Sixth, the modernization of developing countries with large populations is a long-term process, and cannot be impatient, romantic, or rash. In addition to the need to grasp the important foundation of rural self-reliance, it is also necessary to grasp the foundation of spiritual self-reliance and scientific and technological self-reliance. With a three-legged stand, the high-rise of modernization can be stabilized. Spiritual self-reliance is crucial, with a sufficient sense of reverence, rationality, and integrity. Technological self-reliance is crucial, as the country needs to have more world-leading technologies, especially in the military field, with some killer technologies. All three conditions for self-reliance are necessary and indispensable, with spiritual self-reliance being a long-term process.
